Dos and Don'ts of Caring for Your Marquise Cut Diamond Engagement Ring

Dos and Don'ts of Caring for Your Marquise Cut Diamond Engagement Ring

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Keeping Your Marquise Cut Diamond Sparkling

Maintaining the dazzling sparkle of your marquise cut diamond engagement ring requires regular care and attention. To ensure its brilliance, refrain from touching the diamond directly with your fingers. Oils and dirt from your skin can create a film on the stone, diminishing its luster over time. Opt for using a clean, lint-free cloth to gently wipe away any smudges or residues that may accumulate on the surface of the diamond.

In addition to avoiding direct contact with your diamond, be mindful of how you store and clean your ring. Store your marquise cut diamond ring in a soft pouch or jewelry box when not in use to prevent scratching or dulling of the stone. When cleaning your ring, use a mild solution of warm water and gentle dish soap, and a soft brush to remove any dirt or grime that may have built up. Regularly cleaning and storing your ring properly will help to maintain its radiant sparkle for years to come.

Avoid touching the diamond with your fingers to maintain its brilliance.

To maintain the brilliance of your marquise cut diamond engagement ring, it is advisable to avoid touching the diamond directly with your fingers. Natural oils and dirt from your skin can easily transfer onto the diamond's surface, causing it to lose its sparkle over time. Instead, handle your ring by the band or setting to keep the diamond clean and pristine.

Regularly wiping your marquise cut diamond with a soft, lint-free cloth will help remove any smudges or residue that may have accumulated. By gently cleaning the diamond in this manner, you can ensure that it continues to shine brightly and reflect light beautifully. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to preserving the luster of your precious gemstone.

Handling Your Ring with Care

When it comes to caring for your marquise cut diamond engagement ring, handling it with care is crucial to maintain its beauty and integrity. Avoid exposing your ring to harsh impacts or extreme temperatures, as these can damage both the diamond and the metal band. Be mindful of your activities when wearing your ring, opting to remove it when engaging in tasks that could potentially cause harm.

Additionally, be cautious not to wear your ring while applying lotion, sunscreen, or any other beauty products, as these substances can build up and dull the sparkle of your diamond. It's also important to regularly clean your ring with a gentle jewelry cleaner to remove any dirt or debris that may accumulate over time. By handling your ring with care and being mindful of how you wear and clean it, you can ensure that your marquise cut diamond engagement ring remains stunning for years to come.

Avoid harsh impacts or exposing your ring to extreme temperatures.

To maintain the integrity of your marquise cut diamond engagement ring, it is crucial to handle it with care and avoid harsh impacts that could potentially damage the stone. The delicate nature of the marquise cut makes it particularly susceptible to chipping or breaking upon impact. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from activities that may subject your ring to rough handling or accidental knocks.

Additionally, exposing your marquise cut diamond ring to extreme temperatures can also pose a risk to its longevity and brilliance. Sudden temperature changes, such as going from extreme cold to intense heat, can cause the metal setting to expand or contract rapidly, potentially loosening the diamond or causing stress on the setting. It is recommended to store your ring in a moderate temperature environment and refrain from wearing it in situations where it may be exposed to extreme heat or cold.

Choosing the Right Setting

When it comes to selecting the right setting for your marquise cut diamond engagement ring, it is crucial to opt for a setting that not only showcases the beauty of the diamond but also ensures its security. One of the recommended settings for a marquise cut diamond is the prong setting. This setting uses small metal claws to hold the diamond in place, allowing maximum light to enter the stone and enhance its brilliance. Additionally, the prongs provide a secure grip on the diamond, reducing the risk of it becoming loose or falling out.

Another suitable setting for a marquise cut diamond is the bezel setting. In this setting, a metal rim surrounds the diamond, holding it securely in place. The bezel setting offers protection to the edges of the diamond, which are more susceptible to chipping or damage compared to other shapes. Additionally, the bezel setting can give a modern and sleek look to your engagement ring, complementing the unique shape of the marquise cut diamond. By choosing the right setting for your marquise cut diamond engagement ring, you can ensure that your precious stone remains safe and dazzling for years to come.

Opt for secure settings like prong or bezel to protect your diamond.

When it comes to choosing the right setting for your marquise cut diamond engagement ring, opt for secure settings like prong or bezel to protect your precious gemstone. These settings not only hold the diamond in place securely but also provide a layer of protection against everyday wear and tear. By choosing a prong or bezel setting, you can minimize the risk of your diamond getting loose or chipped due to accidental bumps or knocks.

Additionally, prong and bezel settings help to showcase the beauty of your marquise cut diamond by allowing light to enter and reflect off the facets, enhancing its brilliance and sparkle. When your diamond is held securely in place, it can catch and reflect light more effectively, making it appear even more radiant and eye-catching. By opting for a secure setting, you can enjoy your marquise cut diamond engagement ring for years to come, knowing that it is both protected and beautifully displayed.


How often should I clean my marquise cut diamond engagement ring?

It is recommended to clean your marquise cut diamond engagement ring at least once a month to maintain its sparkle and brilliance.

Can I wear my marquise cut diamond ring while doing household chores?

It is best to avoid wearing your marquise cut diamond ring while doing household chores as exposure to harsh chemicals can damage the diamond or the metal setting.

Is it safe to wear my marquise cut diamond ring while swimming?

It is not recommended to wear your marquise cut diamond ring while swimming as chlorine in pools or saltwater in the ocean can harm the diamond and the metal of the ring.

How should I store my marquise cut diamond engagement ring when not wearing it?

To store your marquise cut diamond engagement ring when not wearing it, place it in a separate jewelry box or pouch to prevent scratching against other jewelry pieces.

Can I resize my marquise cut diamond ring if it no longer fits?

It is possible to resize a marquise cut diamond ring, but it is recommended to have it done by a professional jeweler to ensure the diamond is not damaged during the process.

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